Thursday, October 23, 2008

Smells Like Home

My daughter has keyed into her father's use of the Glade plug-in scents. I just read that Ohio State University is looking at the health benefits of aromatherapy. The jury is still out on whether scents have quantifiable physical measures (or positive effects) on stress hormones, heart rate, pain, or immune-system activity. Psychologically, after an hour, testers note:

  • Citrus scents to lift mood
  • Chamomile to soothe irritation
  • Lavender for relaxation and to increase deep sleep
  • Fresh-cut grass or pine to remind of summertime and childhood
  • Ylang-ylang, jasmine and patchouli to calm down
  • Rosemary, sandalwood or bergamot to relieve fear and exhaustion
  • Roses or lilac blossoms to alleviate anger and anxiety
Pharmacist Jim Avedikian at the Phoenix Wellness Center recommends, "Peppermint oil rubbed on the forehead and gently massaged into the temples can relieve migraines." If I do hang something infused with bergamot essential oils around my neck (burn candles or incense), can he guarantee happiness?

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